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3 ways to build the love of reading in your child

Here are some quick tips on ways you can encourage your children to become self-motivated readers.

#1 Start early!

It’s NEVER too early and it’s amazing how quickly a child can pick up a book and become drawn to its colors,
pictures, and textures.

#2 Setup a daily routine

Make a daily habit of reading before bedtime or any set time that will work with your routine. Your child will get used to it and will remind you when you forget!

#3 Be animated!

I feel like I always receive extra smiles and giggles from my kids whenever I try to act out the characters or emphasize strong emotions.

Your child will just love the idea of you being silly and trying to be part of their favorite book ☺

Uzma Aziz, originally from the East Coast, is a wife and mom to three enthusiastic explorers whose love for learning is a driving force in her life. She hopes that they along with other children grow up to gain a natural love for Islam through some of its beautiful teachings of peace, kindness, and charity. Uzma enjoys wholesome eating, a good laugh, and hiking adventures.


Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only and not to be construed as medical or legal advice, or any other advice.


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